126 years of Liviko’s history, skills and knowledge have been handed down from one generation of master craftsmen to the next. Today, they are combined with science-based technology and forward-looking product development. In competing with the world’s biggest brands we have learnt that we need to take the specific nature of every market into account whilst keeping an eye on emerging trends.



In making our drinks, our innovative distillers are inspired by nature, aromas, flavours and the wisdom of their predecessors. We have the utmost respect for centuries-old skills in producing beverages using natural herbs and spices. When it comes to vodka, we are dab hands at contemporary charcoal and silver filtration and cold-processing. Our craftsmen also know the art of hot-fill bottling for crystal liqueurs. We are proud of the fact that a number of our products are made by hand.
We have particularly high regard for a method of distilling that has been used for hundreds of years: the pot-still method. As a doffing of the hat, every piece of distillation equipment in our factory has been named after one of our legendary liqueur-makers: Mamma Ilse, Mahta and Elfride.



One thing which is unique about Liviko is that we distil different types of plants separately during the production process. Distilling in this way is rarely found in the world anymore because of the knowledge, skills and precision it demands. We select the most valuable part of the plant – be it the blossom, berry or stem – to make sure our drinks are infused with exactly the flavours and aromas we are looking for. Here at Liviko we know that it is worth going that extra mile to guarantee a world-class drinking experience.



Liviko’s quality control laboratory makes sure that our products are of consistently high and stable quality. Liviko’s laboratory makes dozens of different analyses to check everything from the quality of the raw materials to the monitoring of production processes and the bottling of the finished beverages. In addition to standard analytical methods, the laboratory also uses control and analysis methods developed by Liviko. Liviko’s laboratory staff have long-term experience in their field. Thanks to the knowledge and skills of our staff, we guarantee the highest quality of our products.


Valuable raw materials

Legendary flavours

A unique recipe

Single botanical distillation

Zero-waste production

A time-consuming production process

Silver filtration

Product design 


Our products

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